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Haslevangen 140579 - Oslo


Sirkel Materialgjenvinning AS is the only glass recycler of packaging glass in Norway. The company is situated in Fredrikstad, in the south-eastern part of Norway. The company was founded in 1991 and is owned by the producers. Based on the liability for packaging the producers take responsibility for the glass packaging in the Norwegian market through Sirkel Materialgjenvinning AS. The collection system is owned and managed by the municipalities. The local collection system includes both recycling stations and home-based collection. The home-based system is the more successful one with a collection rate 30 % higher than the one based on recycling stations. A mix of glass and metal packaging is collected and delivered to Sirkel Materialgjenvinning AS from all parts of Norway, both from the municipalities and from private businesses like restaurants, hotels etc. Collection is about 90 000 tons per year, with a collection rate of 93 % for glass packaging. The recycling rate is 100 %. The manufacture of new glass containers is the main area of use for the recycled glass. Glass cullets are also used as raw material for foam glass production in Norway. Sirkel Materialgjenvinning AS owns two production plants for this lightweight construction material, using the brand name Glasopor.